MMA-Style Fitness

pow-mma-style-fitnessAt best, the transition from military to civilian life can be challenging. Too often, today’s returning veterans lack short-term goals and miss the discipline and camaraderie that served as the foundations of military life. This, along with the challenges or treatment and recovery, will often lead the veteran toward unhealthy, and potentially high-risk behavior. According to the literature, the cortisol and epinephrine release associated with the experience of intense combat situations often results in Veterans craving similar high stimulus situations once they return home(1).

P.O.W.’s confidence-boosting MMA-style fitness incorporates MMA techniques, drills and one-on-one sparring as well as coping skills and calming breathing techniques. P.O.W. MMA-style fitness provides a challenging and intense workout regimen, allowing for the release of cortisol and epinephrine in a safe, supportive and controlled environment. MMA-style fitness serves as an alternative for, or supplement to, the traditional practice of medicating PTSD symptoms.

(1) J. Douglas Bremner, MD. Traumatic stress: effects on the brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, Dec 2006.